Surfaces and spaces, Essential, Premium and Luxurious

When it comes to surfaces and spaces, we find that people tend to choose larger spaces out of a sense of security. Often, this is not necessary, especially when there is a lot of glass in the house and the garden is closely connected to the interior. Therefore, we like to advise working towards the right size at the beginning.

We divide the choices regarding the level of finish into 3 groups for simplicity: Essential, Premium, and Luxury. Each of these levels has a general price attached, ranging from €1000 per m³ to €1350 to €1800 per m³. At the lowest finishing level, we use well-priced materials and simple detailing, while at the luxury level, materials are high-end and the finishing is much more detailed. The Premium level in the middle either uses cost-effective materials with more intricate detailing or expensive materials that are simply detailed. The level of home automation also varies from essential to premium to luxury, increasing as the luxury level rises. How the budget is distributed is a personal choice for each individual.